
Fiumicino Airport

Rome is served by two airports: the Leonardo da Vinci airport of Fiumicino and the G.B. Pastines of Ciampino.

Leonardo da Vinci airport of Fiumicino is located west of Rome, along the coast north of Ostia.

It is located precisely 28 kilometers away from Rome Center and only 24 from Rome EUR.
Most of national and international traffic focuses at Fiumicino airport.

More information on schedules, parking and connections on the official website of the Leonardo da Vinci airport of Fiumicino (Rome)


Fiumicino, part of the municipality of Rome until 1992, is a municipality of about 60,500 inhabitants of the province of Rome, located on the Tyrrhenian coast north of the Tiber Delta called Canale di Traiano.

In addition to the town of Fiumicino, other inhabited centers including the sacred island, which extends from the Delta division (head of two branches) within the delta consisting of the Traiano channel branch and the branch called are belong to the Municipality of Fiumicino Faumara Grande. On the sacred island there are the excavations of an ancient Roman necropolis necropolis of Portus extremely interesting with some very well preserved mosaics and mosaic or stucco pictorial decorations. In the vicinity of the Trajan channel it is possible to visit the remains of the early Christian basilica of S. Ippolito …


Parco Leonardo

The Leonardo Park today extends over an area of 160 hectares along the important Rome-Fiumicino axis, not far from the new Fair of Rome.

Parco Leonardo is a real “city”, even if completed for less than 50% of its entirety, characterized by a “mixed-use” development, that is, where we find commercial, management, residential functions as well as leisure structures, Entertainment, services, schools, hotels, offices, parks, pedestrian squares and communication infrastructures …

New Fair of Rome

The new Fair of Rome is the large infrastructure project born with the aim of creating an exhibition center in Rome capable of attracting a considerable share of the international trade fair business.

The first pavilions of the Rome Fair were inaugurated in October 2006.

The new exhibition center is intended to considerably increase the role of Rome as an international capital and represents an extraordinary possibility for the development of the city, as alongside the traditional cultural and tourist vocation, Rome has shown and shows a very strong vocation for business tourism and congress …

Parco Da Vinci

The Da Vinci park is the largest commercial park in Italy as well as among the largest in Europe. Entirely outdoors.

100 shops, 16 restaurants and bars, with prestigious signs nationally and internationally, always ready to welcome customers with special dedicated promotions. 90,000 square meters: large spaces to spend your free time in peace and safety.

Not only a commercial park but a meeting place where you can dedicate yourself, in addition to purchases, to sociality – with many initiatives organized with the involvement of the territory.


Known all over the world as an eternal city or urbe, it welcomes about 6,000,000 tourists every year, of which 3,800,000 foreigners from the rest of Europe, from the USA and Japan, but to visit Rome a whole life is not enough.

The eternal city is a real open -air museum, a unique case to the way by bringing 34 centuries of urban history with it, not a single city, but 3 cities that overlapped themselves on the same site. The oldest Rome of the Colosseum and the Imperial Forums, the Baroque Rome between the Quirinale, via del Tritone and Piazza Navona, and that of the Popes of the Vatican city.

A considerable number of museums and archaeological sites, art galleries, superb monuments, churches and historic buildings make Rome one of the first beauties not only in Italy, but all over the world …

Ostia ancient

Ostia is an ancient Roman coastal city located about 2 km from the coast. The name in Latin refers to the Foce (Ostium) of the Tiber.

The course of the Tiber and the coast line have changed considerably over the centuries, in fact once the ancient Ostia overlooked the Tyrrhenian Sea and precisely for this reason it was founded according to the legend from the fourth king of Rome Anco Marzio (620 BC) as a port of the ‘ancient Rome.

Today the territory of Ostia Antica is part of the XIII Municipio of the Municipality of Rome …